Laser Treatment for Toenail Fungus

Laser treatment for toenail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, is an advanced and non-invasive method used at Peninsula Podiatry.

This treatment utilizes the 980 nm Diode Laser System, a specific laser technology designed to target and eliminate toenail fungus.

Let us care for you if you are suffering from a fungal infection.

How It Works

To understand the full scope and benefits of the laser treatment for toenail fungus offered at Peninsula Podiatry, it's important to examine its various aspects in detail. Each of these elements plays a crucial role in the effectiveness and appeal of the treatment:

  1. Mechanism of Action: The laser used in this treatment emits a specific wavelength of light (980 nm). When directed towards the affected toenail, this light penetrates through the nail to reach the nail bed beneath, where the fungus resides.
  2. Effectiveness: The laser energy is effective in destroying the fungal cells. Targeting the infected area ensures that the fungus is eliminated without damaging the surrounding healthy tissue.
  3. Promoting Healthy Nail Growth: Beyond just killing the fungus, this laser treatment also promotes the growth of clear, healthy nails. This is a significant advantage over other treatment methods that only focus on eliminating the fungus without supporting the restoration of the nail's health.
  4. Non-Invasive Nature: One of the main benefits of laser nail therapy is its non-invasive nature. Unlike surgical methods, this treatment doesn't require incisions or physical nail and surrounding tissue alterations. This makes the treatment more comfortable for patients and reduces the risk of complications.
  5. Prevention of Recurrence: The treatment is not only effective in eradicating existing fungal infections but also plays a role in preventing new fungal growth. This preventive aspect is crucial since toenail fungus tends to recur.
  6. Consultation and Scheduling: If you are interested in this treatment, Peninsula Podiatry offers consultations. We can assess the condition during a consultation and determine if laser treatment is a suitable approach. 

The 980 nm Diode Laser System used at Peninsula Podiatry offers a safe, effective, and non-invasive option for treating toenail fungus, contributing to eliminating the current infection and the prevention of future occurrences while also promoting healthy nail growth.

Procedure Details

To provide an understanding of the laser treatment process for toenail fungus at Peninsula Podiatry, it's essential to walk through each procedure step. This will give a clearer picture of what to expect during the treatment:

  • Preparation: The affected toenail may be cleaned and trimmed before the treatment. This ensures that the laser can penetrate the nail and reach the fungus.
  • Application: During the procedure, the 980 nm Diode Laser device is carefully directed toward the affected toenail(s). The laser emits a beam of light that passes through the nail to the nail bed, where the fungus lives.
  • Duration: Each session typically lasts about 30 minutes, but the time can vary depending on the severity of the infection and the number of nails affected.
  • Sensation: You might feel warmth or a slight pinching sensation during the treatment, but it's generally not painful.
  • Post-Treatment Care: There are usually no special care requirements after the procedure. You can typically resume normal activities immediately.

The steps outlined above showcase the patient-friendly and efficient nature of the laser treatment process. They demonstrate the balance between effective treatment and patient comfort, a hallmark of the approach at Peninsula Podiatry.


When considering laser treatment for toenail fungus, evaluating its overall effectiveness and understanding what to expect regarding outcomes and the treatment timeline is essential. These factors play a significant role in your decision-making and satisfaction:

  • Success Rate: Laser treatment for toenail fungus has shown a large success rate in clinical studies. However, it's important to note that results can vary from person to person.
  • Number of Treatments: You may require multiple sessions to eradicate the fungus, especially in severe infections.
  • Timeframe for Results: Visible improvement in the nail's appearance may take several months as the nail grows out.

These points help set realistic expectations for those considering laser treatment for toenail fungus. Understanding these aspects of the treatment ensures you are well informed about the potential outcomes and the commitment required for optimal results.

Laser Treatment for You

Several factors must be considered when deciding if laser treatment for toenail fungus is the right choice. These range from the severity of the infection to your overall health and past treatments. Understanding these aspects helps ensure the treatment meets your needs and circumstances:

  • Severity of Infection: Laser treatment is often recommended for moderate to severe cases of toenail fungus.
  • Previous Treatments: Laser therapy might be an alternative if other treatments (like topical or oral antifungals) have failed.
  • Health Considerations: If you have certain health conditions, like diabetes, discuss potential risks with your doctor.
  • Expectations: It's crucial to have realistic expectations about the time it takes to see results and the possibility of needing multiple treatments.
  • Consultation: A thorough evaluation by one of our podiatrists is essential. We can assess the condition, discuss your medical history, and determine if laser treatment is best.

Laser treatment for toenail fungus offers a promising alternative if you seek a non-invasive solution. It's effective, but like all medical procedures, it has its considerations.

Potential Risks and Side Effects

When considering laser treatment for toenail fungus, it's essential to be aware of the potential discomforts and risks, although they are minimal. Being informed about the topic can help you have a solid understanding of the treatment:

  • Minor Discomfort: During the procedure, you might experience temporary warmth or a tingling sensation.
  • Rare Side Effects: There might be minor skin irritation or discoloration around the treated area in rare cases.
  • Recurrence of Fungus: While the laser treatment is effective, there's still a possibility of recurrence, especially if you are re-exposed to the conditions that led to the initial infection.

Awareness of these potential issues is part of making an informed decision about laser treatment. While the risks are low, knowing what to expect can help you prepare and address any concerns you might have during your consultation with us.

What are the symptoms of toenail fungus?

You may have toenail fungus if one or more of your toenails become

  • Discolored, usually white or yellow
  • Thickened or misshapen
  • Brittle or crumbly
  • Foul-smelling

It could indicate toenail fungus if you notice any of these symptoms in one or more of your toenails. Attention to these changes is important, as they can worsen over time and potentially lead to more severe complications.

Can toenail fungus spread to other toes?

Yes, toenail fungus can spread to other toenails and the surrounding skin.

What causes toenail fungus?

Toenail fungus can be caused by:

  • Athlete’s foot spreading to the toenail bed
  • Fungal infection on your foot
  • Weakened immune system
  • Smoking
  • Constricted footwear
  • Walking barefoot where someone else with an infection has walked, such as saunas and locker rooms
  • Wearing the same sweaty shoes and socks every day
  • Working in wet conditions

If exposed to these risk factors, you may be more likely to develop toenail fungus. It's crucial to be aware of these causes, as they can help in both prevention and early detection of the infection. 

How can you prevent toenail fungus?

There are several things you can do to prevent toenail fungus, including:

  • Keeping your feet clean and dry
  • Avoiding walking barefoot in saunas, locker rooms, pools, and public showers
  • Avoiding sharing nail clippers
  • Choosing nail salons, like Pure Peninsula Spa, that are licensed and sterilize their instruments

Patients with diabetes should properly manage their blood sugar levels, as they are at high risk for toenail fungus.

Laser Treatment for Toenail Fungus with Peninsula Podiatry

At Peninsula Podiatry, our team delivers high-end care and medical help to treat any podiatry-related issues. If you are experiencing symptoms of toenail fungus and are interested in exploring laser treatment, consult us. 

Call us or schedule an appointment online to learn more about laser treatment and see if you are a candidate for this treatment.

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